I snapped a couple of photos there because as I was preparing for my next blog, I realized the party was beginning and I wanted to be there. I already had the gorgeous jewelry set from Chop Zuey, The Sea Mist, earrings, necklace and bracelet, and had just opened a belly chain when I remembered the time. When all you have on is a beautiful skin (thank you Kyxe Skins & Shapes) and beautiful jewelry, and there's a party with tons of people from all walks of SLife, and I wasn't sure of the theme, what to wear?
So I put together a chic little get up that had piece in it from all over the grid and decided after I'd arrived and realized it was super hero themed, that I was Penny from Inspector Gadget. It suits me and my personality really well, and Penny was just a brilliant girl wearing normal clothes, fixing all of Gadget's problems.
I had new items from Summer Fashion Festival from ArisAris, KL Couture, and Kawaii, the new jewelry I mentioned from Chop Zuey, and fantastic hair that's a group gift at EMO-tions were all key elements. I've never been a sunglasses indoors kinda girl but somehow it suited the summery look just right so there I was, dancing to amazing music, seeing some really fascinating people, and being a chic grown-up-ish version of Penny at a party instead of 'posing' for a blog. Fun!!
My blog is possible because of these terrific designers contributions:
Featuring from Summer Fashion Festival ArisAris Charismatic Sunglasses
Featuring from Summer Fashion Festival KL Couture Malawi Pants
Featuring from Summer Fashion Festival Kawaii Owl Bikini #1 (top)
Featuring from Summer Fashion Festival Chop Zuey The Sea Mist Set - Bracelet Earrings and Necklace
-- PLUS The Sea Mist Belly Chain
Featuring from EMO-tions Kendra
1. Kyxe Skins & Shapes: Blossom Skin Tone
2. SLink: Female Feet Mid
-- Elegant 1 Hands
3. Poses from Vista Animations Dance HUD
Here's my girl, Caryn again at a Birthday Bash in costume as Penny from Inspector Gadget. Looking good Caryn! Hugs, Blue♥