The ReGen Generation, Millenials and GenXers claim their digital world in so many ways. [SWANK] appeals to everyone, every need, every like, every desire of the heart and playful moment, need to create, to build, to claim, to dream and to make!!
That sounds like a lot, doesn't it? A weighty way to look at a digital world that's not even real... or isn't it? We are living in a digital world that's more and more real and in those moments, we want the best stuff, the fun stuff, the stuff that's going to enhance. If it's an APP, it's got to be the most current. If it's an Event in Second Life, like [SWANK] - - It's got to include a little bit of everything.
[SWANK] does not disappoint. In 3 days, February, a new and improved and BIGGER [SWANK] opens to the Second Life public. 50 Shades Of Red (far more fun I think than Grey!!) includes mens and womens things, decor, and yes, even 1973 Beetles. Today, I'm sporting an outfit by one designer, a partial array of jewelry from another designer's offering, shoes from still another standing beside a vehicle in world that's more than just a prop.
Featuring NEW February Items From [SWANK]
Theme: 50 Shades Of Red
PREY Valentina Pants Suit
B&C Designer DAKOTA Shoes Red (Dress, Red and Black Shoes included in Dakota release)
.:JUMO:. Rivoli Gold Earrings and Bracelet (Top, Skirt, Necklace, Earrings, Bracelet and Crown included in Rivoli release)
~CaL~ Clothes & More Beetle'73
Innerdive Poses Diamond Set
BodyCult Mesh Beanie Hat Svenja Hair2 Red
Gaeline Mesh Lashes Illusia
KMADD Mesh Eyes
October's 4Seasons Guiselle Lily Skin Makeover Room February
Post and potos tell me story in a car!
Ya en el oscuro y frío cemento del parking, bajo su débil luz de fluorescente, me apoyo en la pared y me cubro la cara con las manos. ¿En qué estaba pensando? No puedo evitar que se me llenen los ojos de lágrimas. ¿Por qué lloro? Me dejo caer al suelo, enfadada conmigo misma por esta absurda reacción. Levanto las rodillas y las rodeo con los brazos. Quiero hacerme lo más pequeña posible. Quizá este disparatado dolor sea menor cuanto más pequeña me haga. Apoyo la cabeza en las rodillas y dejo que las irracionales lágrimas fluyan sin freno. Estoy llorando la pérdida de algo que nunca he tenido. Qué ridículo. Lamentando la pérdida de algo que nunca ha existido… mis esperanzas frustradas, mis sueños frustrados y mis expectativas destrozadas.
50 sombras de Grey
Capítulo 5
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