Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Month of Games and KL Couture -- Plus New From Sabra Style

I love it when something takes me back to good childhood memories. One of those things is the scent of cotton candy. I'm still a candy-a-holic to this day. I probably consume enough candy that it should be considered one of Caryn's 4 food groups. When I learned that The Month of Games, sponsored by Siren Productions, would feature three games and one of them was Candyland, I knew I was in for a delicious calorie-less treat. You can't gain weight if you nibble at candy in Second Life. Promise!
The dress with the pale pink ruffle and bow at the back comes from KL Couture. I splashed a lot more color, all around, and had to go with the cotton candy type hair, though it's originally a head piece from Lyrical B!zarre Templates. The fan skirt and shoulder are the same piece copied and one repurposed so that it matched, comes from Sabra Style Amelia Evening gown. It's beautiful, and I thought the brilliant purple plumes would suit the overall theme of indulgence in my ever avid sweet tooth.
You'll find a plethora of fun beginning July 12th, running through the 31st at The Month of Games. Along with Siren Productions, AIM, BOSL, Boulevard, Culture Magazine, Designing SL, ModeLS Magazine, SCALA, SL Live Radio, and Versus Magazine all combined efforts to produce this fabulous event. With designers galore and each designer styling 3 exclusive pieces, one for each game chosen, you'll find something to love and loads of summer memories from childhood flickering. Candyland, Clue and Chess have been chosen and those exclusive pieces will each represent something from each game. If you would like more information, you can follow this link: http://sirenproductionsl.com/month-games-coming/

Each of these designers made this styling possible:
Featuring from Sabra Style Amelia Evening Gown (Pieces) Fan Skirt
Featuring from KL Couture at The Month of Games Gourmandise 
1. AIDORU: Dream Tiptoe Feet
2. !Lyrical B!zarre Templates: Wander Necklace
-- Cotton Candy Headpiece
3. Kyxe Skins & Shapes: Blossom Skin Tone
-- Candy Eyeshadow Powder Blue
4. Morphine: Heather Lips Lily Dark
5. KMADD/Moda: Mesh Eyes
6. Corpus Poses


  1. Thanks for this wonderful post! Kisses :)

  2. Thank you for pausing to comment. I've liked your designs since the day we met. I think it just gets better and better. :) <3
