The darling dress comes from Rock Your Rack, Danielle's Exclusive Charlotte in pink. Though it looks like layered items, it's textured to trick the eye and fits easily without having to figure out which size on which layer so you don't have things popping out where you don't want, and you have pieces that look like they flair out and it's a beautiful optical illusion. Classy design and cleverly drawn. It's beautiful. I'm not usually an all pink girl but it fit perfectly with the fundraising for Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Rock Your Rack continues through September 15.
Designers contributed work like this dress to raise funds, but you can also donate directly if you follow this link:
From 24 squared, *~Damesfly*~ has a gorgeous full bodied flowing mass of hair, Shyanne. I think this is more hair than I've owned or worn in years. My hair used to be about this long off line and I recall how much work it was to keep it groomed. Isn't it wonderful how the online world allows us to skip all those little life knots and have the beauty without the work? Additionally, you will find HOLLYHOOD with two different styles of SLink compatible heels. The Kitten Heels are wooden wedges, and the other style glitters like fine diamonds with a variety of colors. Oh la la!

Opal continues to have items at Designer Showcase month after month, and each month there's something fresh and lovely, a new treasure to be had, and at the discount room, the treasure won't break your bank. Sea Star earrings and necklace are offered in two different colors, and add a playful bright bit of color to a casual outfit. With the pink woven into the set, I thought it helped accentuate the overall styling wonderfully well.
Featuring Opal from Designer Showcase Sea Star Gold
Featuring DANIELLE from Rock Your Rack Charlotte Pink
Featuring *~DAMESFLY*~ from 24 Squared Shyanne
Featuring HOLLYHOOD from 24 Squared Teal/Pink Kitten Heels
1. Face Paint: Aphrodite Pink
2. Kyxe Skins & Shapes: Marigold Skin Tone (Laila)
-- Jewel Nails
3. MG: Full Thick
4. SLink: Elegant 1 Hands
-- Feet High Female
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