Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Reblog - Because We Can by Caoimhe Lionheart

Caoimhe Lionheart's Blog - Anchailinalainn

The United Nations Development Fund for Women estimates that at least one of every three women globally will be beaten, raped, or otherwise abused in her lifetime. For them, I choose to stand up. I will stand, not because it is a popular thing to do, I stand because it’s the only thing I can do. Stand, be heard, support, embrace, and raise up these women. Let them know I won’t turn my back on them, or cover my eyes, I am here and I care.

November 25th, according to the United Nations, is the“International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women”. Since 2010 this event has been celebrated in Second Lifewith a great show lasting about one week (approximately November 18th to November 25th), organized by the committee “2Lei in Second Life”, an artistically minded compassionate group of citizens, they are about us: http://secondlife2lei.blogspot.it/p/blog-page_24.html. And now is the time, we need you to throw in too because 2Lei is calling out to resident artists and designers to celebrate with us as we raise awareness of these often silent victims of abuse.
We are going to have a one of a kind, unique, or unique color, single quantity auction item provided by generous designers, worn by Second Life models in our SIM The SaliMar Luxury District and an auctioned showing of artists original artwork on our sister SIM VIOLATOR with the proceeds from the actions donated to the United Nations Foundation Fund for UN Women to do our part to help the United Nations reach these battered women. It doesn’t take a lot to help. As an example, just 10USD helps 6 women survivors of violence receive psychosocial counseling in countries across Africa and Asia. (http://www.unfoundation.org/how-to-help/donate/fund-for-un-women.html) Won’t you please stand with us?
Following the free assignment of the song “Libera” by the singer-songwriter Fabio Tettoni(http://secondlife2lei.blogspot.it/2013/09/libera-by-fabio-tettoni.html), the topic of this new edition has been chosen: “Freedom”. Obviously, the interpretation of the topic is free, but we hope it will be viewed in a positive way and will lead to the fulfillment of events featuring examples, issues, projects and paths about women’s liberation from various kinds of violence. We know what an incredible designer and/or artist you are, please can we share your interpretation of freedom as part of our show and auction? Some Dates to help you decide:
For Designers :
November 11, 2013: raw picture of the outfit.
November 14, 2013: Outfit to model
November 18, 2013: Set up and 2Lei 2013 Grand opening
November 25th, 2013: Final Day
If you will join us, and I hope you will. Please drop a NC titled “2Lei Designer [your name]” to Mila Tatham and Bodza Mubble no later thanNov 5, 2013 so we can ensure you a space on the Salimar Luxury District. Thank you so much for your consideration.

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