I really enjoyed putting this outfit together. I think I may say that often but the repetition of the saying doesn't in any way denigrate the truth being the statement. I love the fresh feel of fashion through the eyes of many beholders and when I begin mixing and matching designers, I see this even more so.
This whole look comes inspired from pieces found at the Peace On Earth Hunt 7 (POE 7). I ADORE Carrie Snowpaw. She and I have loads in common, and whether it's a week or a month that passes since we last spoke, it feels like it was just a few minutes ago. Those types of relationships are the essence of what I think of when I think of holidays. The Ribbon Dress, POE 7, comes from Snowpaws. It's long enough to wear alone, with tights or a pair of leggins like I used. Xen's Hats at POE 7 has a beanie that's too cute for words and unisex. -{ZOZ}- additions to POE include both the necklace called Unwrap Me and the special holiday themed Gift Polish.
Blowing You Each A Little Kiss |
BSD Design studio created the heels and they work with my SLink High feet. The leggins come from Wicca's Wardrobe. I used the solid pair of Sazzy pants in a previous blog and this is the second option, a delightful pattern that has several colors so you can wear with many themes.
This season of tights and leggins are right up my alley, by the way, because I grew up in the 80s and everyone wanted to dress like the dancer in Flash Dance, even when we weren't dancing! To this day I think of those layers of color over perfectly good pants and my parents tsking as I'd go off to school with layers all over the place. I was warm and did my best to be a fashionable 16 year old. I even had a knit cap or two. I was too hot to handle, of course... a sexy little thang. And ~whispers~ I still am!
*{{BSD Design Studio}} SexyCara High Feet
*Snowpaws Peace On Earth 7 (POE 7) Ribbon Dress
*Xen's Hats Peace On Earth 7 (POE 7) Beanie
*-{ZOZ}- Unwrap Me Holiday Necklace Peace On Earth 7 (POE 7)
*-{ZOZ}- Gift Polish
-Wicca's Wardrobe Sazzy Pants (pattern)
-EMO-tions Maylea Earrings
-Crie Style Cantabile
-EMO-tions Anna Dark Brown
-Gaeline Mesh Lashes Fantasia
-October's 4Seasons Seduction Gloss
-Del May
Wow.. Caryn!!! Release that mysteries inside you.... I can't wait what's next!!! <3